Many communities and businesses use flag or banner attachments on utility and street light poles as a means to communicate with residents and customers and beautify neighborhoods. Miami Valley Lighting customers may attach banners to Miami Valley Lighting poles, as long as they comply with the the seasonal attachment specifications outlined below. These specifications apply to government temporary seasonal attachments as defined in Ohio Administrative Code section 4901:1-3-01 (A).
Customers are responsible for installing attachments and hanging banners and flags, according to Miami Valley Lighting specifications
Seasonal attachment specifications
Seasonal attachments are defined as flags, banners, or similar temporary attachments that are unpowered and are not telecommunications equipment.
- 60 days prior to making Seasonal Attachments to Miami Valley Lighting (MVLT) poles, a government entity must complete and execute the MVLT Seasonal Attachments Agreement and receive authorization from MVLT.
- Seasonal attachments will only be allowed on poles that are truck accessible from a road, alley or parking lot.
- Only one seasonal attachment can be installed on each pole.
- It is preferred that the seasonal attachment is on the road side of the pole.
- Seasonal attachments can only be attached to poles with bracket banding. Absolutely no holes can be made in the pole.
- Maximum width of a Seasonal Attachment is 3’ and maximum length is 5’.
- Banners must be a minimum of 15.5’ above the road and 11’ above the sidewalk. Banners must also be at least 12” below the lowest communication attachment or 40” from any power cable. This will meet the current National Electric Safety Code clearance requirement.
- For safety reasons, seasonal attachments are not permitted on riser poles.
- Seasonal attachments that require electrical service are not permitted. Seasonal attachments cannot exceed 180 days in a calendar year. Banners can be replaced with different banners as desired but the combined time for the banners will not exceed 180 days in a calendar year. If the combined time for seasonal attachments exceeds 180 days in a calendar year, the government entity will be subject to a charge of $10 per day per seasonal attachment until removed.

To start the process, simply complete the application in the packet below and email it to We will review your request and respond within 3 business days.
Download the banner attachment packet
Upon review and approval of the Banner Attachment Application, customers will be required to agree to the Municipal Banner Attachment Agreement. The template agreement is available in the attachment packet.
Please Note: only MVLT customers may apply. If another organization would like to attach banners to MVLT poles, they will need to contact the community or business responsible for the street lighting contract to coordinate the request.